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Balancing Poynt

5725 W Country Rd

Skiatook, OK




6-hour advance notice is required when canceling an appointment.  This allows the opportunity for someone else to schedule an appointment.  Since all services are by appointment only, a major credit card may be required to hold your appointment. You will be required to place a credit card on hold when scheduling online. This card will only be charged if client no-shows for appointment.  Canceling of an appointment in less then 6 hours or failure to attend a scheduled appointment with the intent on redeeming a gift certificate will result in the forfeiting of that certificate. Recognizing that we do set aside the scheduled time just for you, have other clients to consider and have to maintain a smoothly running business, we do find it necessary to charge for appointments that are repetitively changed on the day of the scheduled appointment. This fee is $30.00 for acupuncture treatment and $75.00 for SAAT treatment. Refusal to provide us with the credit card information with result in termination of our relationship.




Anyone who fails to show up for a scheduled appointment and does not provide 6 hours cancellation notice, will be considered a “no-show” and will be charged the card on file. 



Late Arrivals

Out of respect and consideration to others, please plan accordingly and be on time.  If you arrive late, your session may be shortened in order to accommodate others whose appointments follow yours. Depending upon how late you arrive, your acupuncturist will determine if there is enough time remaining to start a treatment.  Regardless of the length of the treatment actually given, you will be responsible for the “full” session. 



Securing Appointment 


When scheduling appointment online, you will be required to enter a credit card. This card will only be charged if the appointment is a "no-show" (see above). At the time of check out, after your treatment, a form of payment will be required as I can not charge the card on file without hitting the "no-show" button. 





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